Symptoms Pregnancy

What can we expect after the wedding is soon to have children, because children are the successors of our generation, as the pride of the family, here are some signs of pregnancy that can be seen in you or your wife's experience, sometimes:

Pregnancy symptoms
Here are some of the early pregnancy symptoms that most of the pregnancy. important to be noticed by you that the symptoms could be caused by things other than being pregnant. So if you are definitely not the symptoms that you are pregnant. The only way to be sure is to test.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms: often feel nausea (Morning Sickness)
Elevated levels of estrogen may slow your system in the emptying yourstomach. This has a different early pregnancy symptoms, nausea, or what many women call morning sickness. Not all pregnant women have morning sickness, and for many people who do it, morning sickness is a misnomer, because this could happen during the day anyway.
learn about morening sickness here:morning sickness as symptoms of pregnancy
Due to nausea, women experience a denial of food or food cravings when they megalami pregnancy. The symptoms of pregnancy is also associated with hormonal changes.
Other things that cause these symptoms, for example, it may cause gastro-intestinal or other diseases responsible for your feelings of nausea. To explain a change in diet, stress, depression or even capable of premenstrual food cravings or food refusal.
You should discuss your diet with your doctor to ensure that you and your baby grows, even though you are the essential nutrients cravings.
It is possible that the nausea, cravings, and the denial of food to survive during the entire pregnancy. Normally, many women experience reduced symptoms in about 13 or 14 weeks.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms: You Feel Fatigue
Do you feel tired an exceptional early symptom of pregnancy is when kuraang can occur over a week after the pregnancy. Excessive sleepiness is often associated with high levels of progesterone in the body, although other things such as lowering ofblood blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure and increased blood production may contribute. If your pregnancy is associated fatigue, back up plenty of rest, eat foods rich in protein and iron to help can be compensated.
Another reason by fatigue is:
- Physical exhaustion
- Depression
- A common cold or flu, or other

 Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Takes On Breast
 Nothing to do with pregnancy, hormonal imbalance may be responsible for this as well. By karenaKehamilan not the only thing that can cause these changes, then you can not be sure that the symptoms of pregnancy is really a pregnancy. Change can be caused by changes in birth control pills, or they could be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Changes in your breasts are another sign of a very early pregnancy. If you are pregnant, your body is rapid changes in the level of hormon.Karena that you could see in 1-2 weeks, your breasts, swollen, painful, or tingling or anything else. It's like a natural sign that you are ready to breastfeed your baby will be, or feel harder to feel full or are soft to the touch. In addition, the area around the nipple called, the areola can be dark.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Spotting and cramping Happen
Fixed a few days after fertilization of an egg by sperm, the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall, may be one of the early signs of pregnancy - Spotting and cramps may occasionally. Known as implantation bleeding, these first symptoms appear in anywhere from six to 12 days after fertilization of the egg.

Cramps similar to menstrual cramps, if you are, and some women bleed for their mistakes and start their periods. Bleeding and cramping, but not much. May be other things that cause these symptoms are the real start of menstruation changes, menstruation, the consumption of different pill, infection, or abrasion from intercourse.

Apart from bleeding, you may notice discharge, milky-white from the vagina. This is due to the fact that related to fertilization, the vaginal walls begin to thicken. This is an increase in the growth of cells lining the vagina that causes discharge. These discharges may continue during your pregnancy, but usually it's not a problem and requires no further treatment with medication. However, if you do a bad smell or see burning and itching, you should immediately call your doctor. Can be concluded that this be a sign of fungal or bacterial infection.
Early symptoms of pregnancy: absence of menstruation
The symptoms of pregnancy that you as a guideline that you're pregnant can use - and one that most women get a pregnancy test drives - is a missed period.
Also, not every pregnancy should be free of regular bleeding.
You may experience some bleeding during the pregnancy. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor what you should consider the bleeding. For example, if the bleeding is normal and if it signs an emergency?

If the above symptoms of pregnancy have occurred to you, you've probably already pregnant, it never hurts to immediately rush him how your relatives.

Read another article about pregnancy symptoms HERE!

and about

Guide To Pregnancy: Breastfeeding During Pregnancy